Our Work

Our Work

CSF (Count Safety First), the name itself underscores the idea that safety should always be a top priority in various aspects of life, whether it's at work, at home, or on the road. Prioritizing safety means taking precautions and making informed decisions to minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, or harm to one-self and others. "CSF count safety first" is a reminder to always consider safety as a fundamental concern on the road while driving or crossing the roads. Obeying traffic rules, staying alert, using crosswalks and pedestrian signals, and being cautious when driving. CSF aims to digitally reach a vast audience, including corporate professionals, students, and drivers across the nation. Additionally, we plan to organize physical events, particularly in North India, to engage with the community on a personal level. The vision our honorable Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari Ji of Road Transport and Highway’s (MoRTH), to reduce accidents by 50% in 2030’ is the mission of CSF and its aim is to bring that vision into reality, by conducting the awareness program among the citizens. Communicating this vision effectively to the public is crucial for garnering support and encouraging responsible behavior. CSF is successfully spreading the message of road safety and traffic awareness within a significant portion of the population. Employing innovative methods, we aim to familiarize people with road safety and traffic rules, recognizing the importance of sensitizing both the younger and older generations.

Ensuring personal safety and that of others while driving is best achieved by adhering to traffic and road safety rules. Our team underscores the significance of obeying traffic lights as a means of protection, effectively reducing the occurrence of accidents. In our road safety and traffic awareness campaign, participants actively display safety placards and banners, urging people to wear seat belts, helmets, and strictly adhere to traffic regulations. CSF is actively engaged in promoting road safety through various initiatives, particularly targeting the prevention of road traffic injuries among today's youth. Our campaigns emphasize the importance of slowing down to save lives, both one's own and those of others.

Public Awared 0 On the way to Zero Accidents

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